Today I coached a long-time client whom I had supported through a few transitions, including a bold move he took to take a year sabbatical in Latin America. Bob is a consummate Systems Engineer, with a keen analytical mind and a no-nonsense, “get-it-done” approach to any position he lands. Time to Revaluate Bob came to…
Leaving a Great Company After 10+ Years Is Like Getting a Divorce and Expecting to Find a Fabulous New Partner in a Few Months
Today in my networking group, Career Connect Coffee Club, several new members were in transition because their companies closed. A few were from Oppenheimer Funds which was purchased by Invesco and several were from Jackson National Life Distributors which recently closed Colorado operations. Most had been with their company for several years. One had the…
You Thought You’d Be a Lifer, But Now You’re a Looker Navigating the Job-search After a Long-term Job
My earlier post, Leaving a Great Company After 10+ Years Is Like Getting a Divorce and Expecting to Find a Fabulous New Partner in a Few Months,” lays out the challenges of landing a new job after an extended career at a “legacy” company. This post features concrete strategies to cope with the challenges facing…
6 Tips on Passing the Dreaded Pre-Employment Assessments

6 Tips on Passing the Dreaded Pre-Employment Assessments Advance Preparation is the Key to Gaining Access to a Company’s Front Door Today I coached a fairly senior software account executive who was sure he blew landing his dream job because he failed one of the online tests he was asked to take. It was a…
Negotiating Your Salary Narrows the Gender Gap

In preparation for an upcoming presentation, I did my usual over-the-top research on the latest numbers regarding the salary gender gap. I was surprised to find that, even though our unemployment continues to drop, the real money most often goes to men. Consider these stats: Women earn $.78 to $.84 on the dollar for comparable…
If you feel like there’s a target on your back at work, READ THIS NOW!
Today, I received a panicked call from a client who is a program director at a large nonprofit organization. She has had a successful three-year run, but, with a recent change in leadership, she felt she could be weeks away from being let go. After giving her the best advice available for right now …BREATHE……
Ready to Jump Ship?
Before You Do, Figure Out if the Problem Is: Your Playpen, Playmates or Play? Today, I coached a very burnt-out, frustrated client on how he could exit his current position as a software engineer for a large telecom company. After he vented about the bad and ugly of his current situation, we moved on to…
Creating Your Encore – It’s About More Than Your Portfolio
Denver has more baby boomers per capita than any other major U.S. city. Most are anxiously planning their financial future and the “who, what and where” of how they’ll spend their “Third Act” or “Encore.” As we recovered from the financial crisis, many delayed their retirement, but reality looms around the corner. At some point,…
Before Your Interview Ask These 7 Questions
Everyone’s heard about how to prepare for an interview: Dig-into the company’s website and their competitors’ websites Google the company and see if they’re in the news Talk to someone who works there etc. etc. etc. But you’re missing the most important step of all. Before you do anything else, contact the HR/recruiter pro (or…
Don’t Get Voted Off the Island – Master Office Politics

During my seminar on the “Art of Office Politics,” I ask the audience to list the top three dysfunctions at their current organization. Each time I ask a group to share their experiences, the responses get more extreme and these pissed- off employees are absolutely sure that their office is the most dysfunctional organization in…